Castles and Monuments
    Castles are historic heights-places, they allow to dive back into the universe of the Lords who lived there. Some of these monuments, as fortresses, symbol of power and power, are often marked by the wars of the Middle Ages. Others, as the castles of sailing are much more stylized and testify of the refinement of the Renaissance.
28 en Gironde.
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Castle, Fort in Vayres

Spectacle nocturne - Le samedi 19 septembre 2015

Château de vayres chateau de Vayres 33870 Vayres (Gironde)
Phone : 05 57 84 96 58

Castle, Fort in La Brède

château de la Brède

Syndicat d'Initiative B P 12 33650 La Brède (Gironde)
Phone : 05 56 78 47 72  - Fax : 05 56 78 46 69
Estate whereCharles louis de Secondat , baron de Montesquiu , was born and lives there after ( 1689-1755);English styles park ; gothic castle surrounded by moat hosting carp

Castle, Fort in Lesparre-Médoc

Le Patrimoine du Médoc

Hiroupetagoyena Gazone 33340 Lesparre-Médoc (Gironde)
Phone : 06 64 50 24 01
Tout le patrimoine du Médoc sur votre écran, sans bouger de chez vous

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Curiosités des communes suivantes :

arcins, arsac, avensan, bégadan, ...
  • **Tourisme-Entrée**

Castle, Fort in Saint-Émilion


Yseult de Gaye Nony 33330 Saint-Emilion 33330 Saint-Émilion (Gironde)
Phone : 05 57 25 09 68  - Fax : 05 56 50 37 61
Château Grand Corbin Manuel is located in the bordering zone of the vineyards of Saint-Emilion and Pomerol.
The dominant Merlot is blended with Cabernet Franc and Cabernet Sauvignon, producing high ...
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