Leboutondor Charlène
L'Asile au 26 rue Rolland 33000 Bordeaux
33000 Bordeaux
Phone : 06 78 57 31 07
https://www.leboutondor-charlene.com/https://www.facebook.com/leboutondorcharleneTry different models and take the time to find the one that fits the image it should give of you, to yourself and to others. Slowly tame the soft and strong material at the same time. You will then be able to model and customize it through precise processes that Charlene will reveal to you: Steamwork, stretching, dyeing, primer. Unlike a prestidigitator, you are a hat that you will make appear ... by molding it onto a groundhog or shape. magic? Sure, but technical! Approach the sewing part, hand or machine depending on the case, for the interior finish and the trim that could well be your personal creation. Let go! Note: There is a drying time in the making of your hat which requires to perform the workshop in two.