
Gastronomie, Lokale produkten en Gironde

    Products of the soil
    The products of the land are identity and good taste of our regions. Some meat products in fruits and vegetables by way of the cheese and the wine, you will discover all local specialities. Many name-days and demonstrations are organised around these products.
10 en Gironde.
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Lokale produkten in Étauliers

Fête de l'Asperge du Blayais

Communauté de Communes de l'Estuaire Place Principale, 33820 Etauliers 33820 Étauliers (Gironde)
Tel : 05 57 42 61 99

Lokale produkten in Blaignan

Les Noisettines du Médoc, spécialités artisanales

Les Noisettines 1 la landette 33340 Blaignan (Gironde)
Tel : 05 56 09 03 09
The Noisettines du Médoc has known a wonderful development during the last 30 years thanks to the fabrication of an original and handmade hazelnut candy. Through our website, you will discover the ...
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