Te bezoeken erfgoed, Kastelen, monumenten en Dordogne
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Kastelen, monumenten in Saint-Astierchateau puyferratmarzat chateau puyferrat 24110 Saint-Astier (Dordogne)
Tel : 05 53 07 86 26
- Fax : 05 53 08 34 91
16century castel surronded by an foothpath well conditioned for visiting,chapel with contemporain picture. visit is done by the owner of this gorgeous castel. Kastelen, monumenten in MonpazierMonpazier, bastide du PérigordMairie de Saint-Romain-de-Monpazier Le Bourg 24540 Monpazier (Dordogne)
Tel : 05 53 23 99 80
Monpazier, a typical Perigord bastide (fortified village), was founded by Edward I of England in 1284. Like most bastides (there are nearly 300 of them in the Southwest of France), it was built ... Kastelen, monumenten in Mauzens-et-MiremontForteresse de MiremontChristine LAURENT La Ginou 24260 Mauzens-et-Miremont (Dordogne)
Tel : 05 53 54 27 67
Gelegen op een rotsige uitloper, domineert het Fort beide valleien. Met haar Dungeon roman gerechten uitlopers van de XII, vernieuwd in de Renaissance, is Miremont onderdeel van de bloedlijn van de ...