
Verblijf, Verhuur, Hotel-restaurant in de Aquitaine

    It is the successful wedding of a quality hosting and a generous table. It is a place where your hosts have the passion of their profession and put a sense of honor to welcome you as you deserve it.
    Completed for a restful and gourmand stopping place
42 in de Aquitaine.
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Hotel-restaurant in Bordeaux

Hôtel Burdigala

Marc Verpaalen 115, rue Georges bonnac 33000 Bordeaux (Gironde)
Tel : 05 56 90 16 16  - Fax : 05 56 93 15 06
The Burdigala Hotel, situated in the very heart of Bordeaux, is within easy walking distance of the historic city center with its superb 18th century buildings and its luxury shops.
All its 68 rooms ...
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Foto hotel restaurant artzain etchea
  • Laagseizoen 50€ naar 60€
  • Hoogseizoen 50€ naar 60€

Hotel-restaurant in Estérençuby

hotel restaurant artzain etchea

Gallas Nadine route d'iraty 64220 Estérençuby (Pyrénées-Atlantiques)
Tel : 05 59 37 11 55  - Fax : 05 59 37 20 16
located in the basque country, swiming pool and compfort in the midle of mountain
Schrijf hier gratis uw toeristische punt in in de Aquitaine in