
жильё,аренда , ресторан-отели в Аквитания

    It is the successful wedding of a quality hosting and a generous table. It is a place where your hosts have the passion of their profession and put a sense of honor to welcome you as you deserve it.
    Completed for a restful and gourmand stopping place
42 в Аквитания.
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ресторан-отели в Tamniès


LABORDERIE Le Bourg 24620 Tamniès (Dordogne)
телефон : 05 53 29 68 59  - факс : 05 53 29 65 31
Notre établissement situé dans un petit village fleuri au coeur du Périgord Noir, à égale distance de Sarlat, Les Eyzies et Montignac-Lascaux, présente une garantie de calme, à proximité des ...

ресторан-отели в Monpazier

Hôtel Edward 1er

M & Mme Capelle 5, RUE SAINT PIERRE 24540 Monpazier (Dordogne)
телефон : 0033 5 53 22 44 00  - факс : 0033 5 53 22 57 99
We would like you to enjoy your stay in our comfortable 19th century petit-château. Situated in Monpazier, one of France´s best preserved bastides (fortified villages), our 3-star hotel is ...
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