il sabato 27 marzo 2010Association Rauzannaise des Parents d'Elèves
33420 Rauzan
(Gironde)Gymnase du Collège de Rauzan - 1, Le Faure
Tel : 06 70 71 12 18
The Association of the Parents of Pupils of the School of Rauzan organizes her second stock exchange in clothes.
It will take place on Saturday, March 27th, 2010, from 10 am till 5 pm, in the Gymnasium of the Middle school(College) of Rauzan.
The exhibitors will be expected from 9 hours (before the room will be closed).
3€ the linear meter.
March 24th enclose registrations
As every demonstration organized by the APE, the purpose of this one is to collect funds to support the educational projects of the Teachers of the School.
If need a plan of access will be supplied to you by e-mail.