
Patrimonio da  visitare , Castelli, monumenti in Aquitaine

    Castles and Monuments
    Castles are historic heights-places, they allow to dive back into the universe of the Lords who lived there. Some of these monuments, as fortresses, symbol of power and power, are often marked by the wars of the Middle Ages. Others, as the castles of sailing are much more stylized and testify of the refinement of the Renaissance.
36 in Aquitaine.
Iscrivere il vostro punto turistico in Aquitaine é gratuito
  • Bassa stagione 0€ a 5€
  • Media stagione 0€ a 5€
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  • Vacanze scolastiche 0€ a 5€

Castelli, monumenti a Saint-Estèphe


Tel : 05 57 73 64 64  - Fax : 05 56 59 63 19

Castelli, monumenti a Monpazier

Monpazier, bastide du Périgord

Mairie de Saint-Romain-de-Monpazier Le Bourg 24540 Monpazier (Dordogne)
Tel : 05 53 23 99 80
Monpazier, a typical Perigord bastide (fortified village), was founded by
Edward I of England in 1284. Like most bastides (there are nearly 300 of them in the Southwest of France), it was built ...

Castelli, monumenti a La Brède

château de la Brède

Syndicat d'Initiative B P 12 33650 La Brède (Gironde)
Tel : 05 56 78 47 72  - Fax : 05 56 78 46 69
Estate whereCharles louis de Secondat , baron de Montesquiu , was born and lives there after ( 1689-1755);English styles park ; gothic castle surrounded by moat hosting carp
foto di Forteresse de Miremont
  • **Tourisme-Entrée**
  • **Tourisme-Entrée enfant**

Castelli, monumenti a Mauzens-et-Miremont

Forteresse de Miremont

Christine LAURENT La Ginou 24260 Mauzens-et-Miremont (Dordogne)
Tel : 05 53 54 27 67
Situato su uno sperone roccioso, la fortezza domina entrambe le valli. Con relativi foothills di piatti nuovi Dungeon del XII, rinnovato nel Rinascimento, Miremont è parte del lignaggio dei grandi ...

Castelli, monumenti a Vayres

Spectacle nocturne - Le samedi 25 juillet 2015

Château de Vayres Route nationale 89 Sortie 7 33870 Vayres (Gironde)
Tel : 05 57 84 96 58

Castelli, monumenti a Saint-Astier

chateau puyferrat

marzat chateau puyferrat 24110 Saint-Astier (Dordogne)
Tel : 05 53 07 86 26  - Fax : 05 53 08 34 91
16century castel surronded by an foothpath well conditioned for visiting,
chapel with contemporain picture.
visit is done by the owner of this gorgeous castel.

Castelli, monumenti a Vayres

Spectacle nocturne et passage du mascaret - Le mardi 4 août 2015

Château de Vayres Route nationale 89 Sortie 7 33870 Vayres (Gironde)
Tel : 05 57 84 96 58

Castelli, monumenti a Saint-Martin-d'Arrossa

Visites guidées de sites archéologiques au Pays Basque

IKER Archeologie Maison Errekaldia 64780 Saint-Martin-d'Arrossa (Pyrénées-Atlantiques)
Tel : 06 25 47 32 09
IKER Archéologie réalise des d’études, des fouilles archéologiques et des projets culturels.
Archéologues professionnels, nous proposons, par le biais de promenades archéologiques, des ...
Iscrivere il vostro punto turistico in Aquitaine é gratuito